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Rustad would make deep cuts to health care, housing while ripping up the BC’s climate action plan

SQUAMISH –  Alongside past Green voters as well as Indigenous and environmental leaders in Squamish, David Eby made a direct appeal to voters who care about protecting healthcare, housing, and climate action. 

“We share a lot of values with the Greens, particularly on tackling climate change. But this election is very close, and there’s so much on the line,” said Eby. “John Rustad is a threat to the things we all care about. If you voted Green in the past, I’m inviting you to join us in this election – so together we can continue strengthening healthcare, tackling the housing crisis, and acting on climate change.”
John Rustad would make deep cuts to health care, does not believe in the science of climate change and would undo B.C.’s work to solve the housing crisis. Rustad and his candidates have also been exposed for spreading scary conspiracy theories and openly hateful views.
“If you care about protecting public healthcare and believe British Columbia’s strength is that we’re a welcoming place for everybody – you have someone on your side with our BC NDP team,” added Eby. “There’s a lot more work to do, and I’m inviting you to help us get the job done. Together, we can make B.C. a place where everyone can build a good life. Where everyone can get ahead, everyone belongs, and no one gets left behind.”
John Rustad is planning American-style two-tier healthcare, leaving British Columbians waiting longer and paying more for worse care. He would send costs for middle-class families skyrocketing by cancelling B.C.’s housing action plan, turning car insurance over to private corporations, and bringing back out-of-control child care bills. Rustad promised to rip up the climate plan the BC NDP built with the Greens and send B.C. back to clear-cutting old growth forests.

Here’s what former Green voters and community leaders in West Vancouver-Sea to Sky are saying about the risk of John Rustad and why they’re supporting David Eby:

“In the last provincial election, I actually voted Green. This time, I am supporting the BC NDP because I want to ensure that British Columbians have the leadership and support of a progressive government,” said Sue Adams, a long term Whistler resident and successful business owner. “Some community members are surprised that I am supporting an NDP candidate as I have been an active volunteer for the BC Liberals for many years. But they forgot to listen to their communities. My values are aligned with those of David Eby and his party for a better British Columbia.”

“Current and future generations in B.C. deserve a province that is affordable, inclusive and healthy, where all species and ecosystems thrive. Leaders like David Eby and Jen Ford are on our side addressing environment and climate change challenges,” said Suzanne Senger, a conservationist who is working to protect Howe Sound. “John Rustad’s denialism is terrifying, and he would undo the important gains the BC NDP have made. His disbelief in climate science and plans to cut CleanBC and other policies would take us back decades. It’s crucial we elect the BC NDP and stop John Rustad.

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